Restore from Fleet Manager's backup
We would like to know what kind of information can you reconstruct from Fleet Manager's snapshot. From what I understand Fleet Manager contains DSS instances parameters so things like IP addresses, instance template, metadata can be restored. Will be able from the Fleet Manager's snapshot to recreate all DSS instances with…
データセットの内容に応じて、実行するレシピを変更するにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか。(IF文での条件分岐) 例えば、データセットAのCOL1カラムの1行目の値が、「True」であればPrepareレシピを実行し、「False」であればGroupレシピを実行する、ような処理が行えればと考えています。 よろしくお願いいたします。
外部から取り込んだデータセット(Excel形式やCSV形式)とDataikuのワークフローで作成したデータセットが一致するかを検証したい場合には、どうすればよいのでしょうか? Join with...レシピからInner Joinで全ての変数をkeyとして結合する方法も検討しましたが、一部のカラムに欠損があると、欠損があるレコードは上手く結合されません。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Dataiku Data modeling/Price
Hi teams, Please what is the price for Dataiku that can do medical data modeling. I need it for a medical data to tell me if medical results are normal or not
Data auto refresh
Hey, I have a flow with multiple tables imported from snowflake - source tables. My flow contains a lot of recipes (stored into filesystem_managed) that originate from these source tables and some of the subsequent datasets formed have metrics and checks in place (auto-compute on dataset build), that are used on a…
Upload file from local to the server
Hi , I have dataiku install in the server, and I would like to upload some setup file (Jar files or jaon file) from my local machine to the dss server using dataiku. i know I could use scp from my local, however, I would like to create dataiku macros to automate this activity.
Conditional textjoin in Dataiku help
Hi all, I am trying to 'textjoin' in Dataiku, whereby I would like to concatenate all values in Column B (condition type) based on the value in column A (deal id), so I get the output below (highlighted yellow column)
Dataset settings - userModified
Hello, When we look into jsons with configuration of each dataset, there's this setting "userModified" under "schema" section. Does anybody know if it's just a flag indicating whether user modified the schema or is it used for anything else? In one of our datasets, it was set to "true" by Dataiku, but after merging two…
How to calculate day difference between rows with specific conditions
Hello, I have a dataset like below and want to calculate the "CV" day difference since "Visit" per "ID", as the "CV_days_after_visit" in the expected result. Is it possible to do by using the visual recipes of Dataiku (without coding)? Existing dataset:…
Table Index in join recipe in python api
Dear community, I am trying to modify a join recipe through the python API and I am having an issue with the table index. I have a join recipe with the following inputs: {'main': {'items': [{'ref': 'LAYER1_SAPBW_MATERIAL_TEXT_prepared', 'deps': []}, {'ref': 'LAYER0_SAPBW_MAT_PLANT_ATTR_prepared', 'deps': []}, {'ref':…