Pass specific warehouse on visual recipes
Hi folks, Someone knows if its possible to pass a specific snowflake warehouse name on a visual recipe like join ? I don't want to have two, three, etc. connexions per warehouse size and as this parameter may change during the flow, I cant use the default warehouse selection. Also in my sso snowflake connection we don't…
Passing multiple queries to Dataiku Endpoint for an exposed Prediction Model
Hello Team, We have created an endpoint URL and have exposed our model in Dataiku for API testing , now we are able to send one transaction at a time and fetch predictions accordingly , but when i pass multiple transactions or say 2 at a time it gives me error…
Querying Underlying LLM-as-a-Service through DSS LLM Mesh
I have created an Azure_OpenAI connection in our DSS instance. I can connect to the instance from within Dataiku and externally via the dataiku-api-client module. For example: import dataikuapiimport osdss_instance = os.getenv('DSS_INSTANCE')dss_api_key = os.getenv('DSS_API_KEY')dss_project_key =…
Generate Tile Num and Tile Sequence
Hi team I'm trying to populate the Tile Num and Tile Sequence Number in the attached picture format. Trying to use windows recipe with no luck. Can someone please help with this? Attached is the data, the ask is to make sure generate a tile num for INS column. Highlighted the color combinations in the picture. Operating…
Recipe Is Completely Blank, Seemingly for no Reason
Just the title. I've never seen this, but i've only been using dataiku for a short time. Anyone else deal with this? Operating system used: Windows
Dataiku API tests
Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to write unit tests to a Dataiku API code (in Python) using the API Designer, in order to check if it works according to the desired functionality before the API is deployed. Thanks Operating system used: Windows
Failed: Failed to run function : : No DSS URL or API key found from any location
Hi i am getting an error while doing the TESTING QUERIES on the API designer for python function endpoint. Failed: Failed to run function : class 'Exception' : No DSS URL or API key found from any location
conditional flow
Can the flows be controlled on which flow should be run this time? Like I have 3 flows based on the input I want them to run, if the input dataset is empty it should skip it and run the flow where the input data set has data.
Failed to get Hadoop settings
One of our users is getting this error when trying to open datasets in a project. Somehow when he refreshes the browser couple of times, it works out and sometimes it does not work out. The user belongs to the group with permission to the S3 connection which stores the data. Some thoughts on why this is happening? Failed…
Python API add resourcesInitScript to code env
I am using the Dataiku Python API to create a code environment. I need to add a small bit of code to the Resource Initialization script, but it seems the `code_env.get_settings()` method offers no support for doing so. This example shows how you can use the `get_definition` approach, but the documentation states that this…