Setup & Configuration

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  • Hi! I am testing in Dataiku 11.4 with user profile (or license) setting, via LDAP mapping. In my tests the profile is only assigned when the user logs in for the first time and registers his user. Sub…
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    Started by NJ
    Most recent by NJ
    Solution by Turribeach

    This is by design. Last time I asked Dataiku about this they said you could be breaching your licensing terms if you start switching users between licenses. You will need to check with your Customer Success Manager / Account Manager to see what you are allowed to do in terms of swtching Designer licenses around. One way you can prevent this issue is by setting the Groups Restriction field in your LDAP configuration to all the AD groups which grant any sort of Dataiku license type (Reader, Explorer, Designer). This will prevent random users from being able to login to Dataiku unless they have been granted a license type in advance. This in turn will prevent their accounts created and their profile defaulting to Reader. So hopefully that solves most of your issues. With regards to real cases where the user license type needs to change, I will again suggest you consult with Dataiku to make sure you stay within the Dataiku licensing terms. But as you have seen there is no built-in functionality to handle these cases so you would need to handle them manually or via the Python API. Below is sample Dataiku Pyhton API code on how to modify the user's profile:

    import dataiku
    client = dataiku.api_client()
    user = client.get_user("theuserslogin")
    settings = user.get_settings()
    # Modify the settings in the `get_raw()` dict
    settings.get_raw()["userProfile"] = "DESIGNER"
    # Save the modifications

  • Does DSS support the switch of IAM role, as described here? To access an S3 bucket in other account we would need to …
    Answered ✓
    Started by Tomas
    Most recent by ABDULBASEER
    Solution by Jediv
    Hi, DSS now supports switching IAM roles for access to S3 connections. The best practice here is to separate out your s3 access policy into a separate role and then set up assumeRole permissions on your connection. In detail:
    1. Create a separate role with your s3 access policy. See here for an example of the inline policy. We'll call this role Dataiku-DSS-S3-Access:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    2. Assuming that your roles are in the same account you can just update the trust policy of your new role to allow your instance profile role to assume it:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
    "Sid": "DSS-S3-AccessTrustPolicy",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXX:role/name-of-your-instance-profile-role"
    3. If you're going cross account, you'll need to give assumeRole permissions to your instance profile role as well:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    4. In Dataiku, switch your connection to use this new role:

  • We are planning on using SQL Server tables as part of our managed datasets, setting the "schema name" field in the connection to the project key. This works well so far for managed datasets -- it's ea…
    Answered ✓
    Started by VickeyC
    Most recent by VickeyC
    Solution by
  • We have multiple administrators in our Dataiku instance. Let us say they are administrators A and B. Is it possible to give a specific project permission only to administrator A and not to B? Can the …
    Answered ✓
    Started by gr
    Most recent by fchataigner2
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  • I have a new (trial) DSS install using the AWS AMI. Out of the box DSS is listening on all interfaces, not just localhost, although all requests to DSS should be routed through the NGINX as proxy. How…
    Started by JeToJedno
    Most recent by JeToJedno
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  • At this time our small prototype DSS server is working on HTTP, not HTTPS. As a solo practitioner, I feel like I need some help. I want to (maybe not want to... but I really should) move my configurat…
    Answered ✓
    Started by tgb417
    Most recent by tgb417
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  • Hi, I would like to see more details in the backend log about ldap binding and debug why the group resolution does not work - it returns an empty list. Is it possible to get more details by changing t…
    Started by Tomas
    Most recent by Joachim_Zentici
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  • Hi there, I have 2 questions: 1) How can i redirect all HTTP(80) connections to use HTTPS? I have already configured my server to use HTTPS. 2) How can i implement HSTS? Thanks in advance and you are …
    Started by Benoni
    Most recent by Benoni
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  • Hi Team, Currently i am exploring SSO operations in Dataiku. Kindly help me to understand the process how it works in Dataiku also Please send any videos/any docs to refer the same. Kindly Look into t…
    Started by sabtoshk
    Most recent by Clément_Stenac
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  • Hi! I'm trying to download DataIKU 5.0 and I can't find the MD5 to confirm that I've downloaded the file correctly. Help, anyone?
    Started by samtepichin
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