Option to display short descriptions on flow
Hi All, Forgive me if this has been discussed before, or if it is a polarizing topic as far as visual design goals. In evaluating Dataiku against other products, and ultimately deciding on Dataiku due to its many strengths, one thing my team lamented was that it was not possible to display descriptions of flow elements on…
Allow nested flow zones
Hi, I use flow zones a lot and appreciate the value. Why not extend the capability and allow nested flow zones, i.e. a flow zone within a flow zone? thx
Data Upsert
Currently, Dataiku offers the choice to either overwrite or append data during dataset updates, yet it lacks the capability for a user to perform an upsert on their data. An upsert operation, which merges the functions of updating and inserting, enables users to harmonize their existing dataset with new or modified data.…
Dark Mode
Every developer needs a dark mode A dark theme for the flow, datasets, and recipe configs would go a long way toward making Dataiku fit into workflows that involve many other dark mode tools. Dataiku is definitely very bright when swapping from other tools which operate in dark mode. Extensions like Dark Reader do a pretty…
Maintain case of SQL table name when creating SQL datasets
Currently, when a SQL dataset is created, the name of the associated SQL table is set to PROJECTKEY_tablename regardless of the case of the SQL dataset name. It would be great if either the case of the dataset name was maintained in the SQL table name (so dataset ABC would result in a SQL table name of PROJECTKEY_ABC…
Deployment hooks should be able to have an impact on the status of project deployments.
Hello, We have found that the post-deployment hooks have no impact on the project status on the deployer at this time.We have a confirmation from dataiku support. In other words, if you deploy a dataiku project in an automation node infrastructure, if you have configured post-deployment operations by creating hooks in the…
Add support for Pandas 2.0
Pandas 2.0 can bring great performance improvements when using the pyarrow backend: https://towardsdatascience.com/pandas-2-0-a-game-changer-for-data-scientists-3cd281fcc4b4
Add option to support non-pandas dataframes (e.g. polars) in Python recipes
Hi, There are many pandas alternatives. One that is new and very fast is polars. Polars is built on Rust so it is memory safe and runs in parallel by design. I use polars in one of my recipes but have to convert it to pandas to write the dataset. thx
Display data labels on mixed chart of line and bars
There is no option to display values of data labels on the mixed chart of line and bar charts as shown in the below screenshot. However, there is option for that in the horizontal stacked bar chart. Can I request for this feature since it seems technically plausible to do? Thanks. Loc
Irrelevant warnings during import or Automation node deployment
We have lots of plugins on our Designer instance since we are testing them to see if we can use them in our projects. However this means that whenever we deploy a project to the Automation node we get warnings on deployment as the plugin list in the Automation node does not match with the Designer node. This is a bad user…