Option to display short descriptions on flow

Hi All,
Forgive me if this has been discussed before, or if it is a polarizing topic as far as visual design goals.
In evaluating Dataiku against other products, and ultimately deciding on Dataiku due to its many strengths, one thing my team lamented was that it was not possible to display descriptions of flow elements on the flow itself.
I'm aware that I can add both long and short descriptions to the properties of each flow element, and that the short descriptions will show in a 'tooltip' if i hover over an element in the flow. What would be really valuable from a visual documentation standpoint would be the ability to to enable a toggle to display all short descriptions on-screen at once so that the purpose of each recipe, as far as how it contributes to the whole flow, could be more evident. Is this something that has ever been considered? If this is a hard no, how about the ability to add some sort of on-screen annotation within flow zone containers?
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Best regards,
Thanks for your idea, @Neil_B
!Your idea meets the criteria for submission, we'll reach out should we require more information.
If you’re reading this and would love to see this improvement in the flow views, be sure to kudos the original post or leave a comment!
Take care,
How does on create short and long descriptions on visual and custom recipes? That would be a great help for documentation. Thanks.
Has this feature been implemented yet?
Brand new user - our org is early in adoption. Coming from Alteryx, I am struggling with the lack of visible documentation/text boxes/tags. Would love to be able to add commentary visible in the flow window.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,256 Neuron
Both tags and short descriptions are visible when you select an item in the flow and have the right pane open and information tab selected. You can also use the Tags view (bottom left) to visualise/select flow items with the desired tags. And as noted by the OP if you hoover of the i on the flow item the short description will be shown.
That's true, but navigating across a multitude of tools to find the documentation needed is not ideal.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,256 Neuron
These are not different tools, it’s all in Dataiku. Exposing all this information always will also not be ideal as it will make the UI too complex (information overload). If you prefer to visualise these data in a different way you can extract all these description, tags, etc using the Dataiku Python API and you can visualise it in your tool of choice. In fact you can even create a Webapp in Dataiku itself using Dash or Bokeh.
"Tools" comes from my Alteryx experience. I am aware of the info options on recipes and data sets and currently use them. What you've proposed works, but it's not a low/no-code option. Having a toggle to show or hide details of individual recipes and data sets within a project would be a great solution to show details but still limit information overload.