Best Of
Do I need to restart dss everytime I modify a custom library ?
Well, I think I'm doing something wrong. Every single time I update a library or create one and before I can use said library I have to 'dss restart' before I can use the (updated) librarie in a note…1 · -
Re: How to change a Code Studio instance to use a new template?
Not supported via the API but we have successfully deployed Code Studios templates by manipulating the OS directories and files that Dataiku uses. This is of course unsupported but we have manipulate…1 · -
Re: Defining a global variable in the base name of the output file for a dataset
You are going about the wrong way I think. Dataiku datasets aren't meant to be used to publish a file to feed an external system, they for Dataiku's exclusive use. You have no control on the format o…1 · -
Re: Practical Use of Code Studios
In the end I created a product idea : · -
Re: Practical Use of Code Studios
Start a new thread. Be very specific about your problems. “Issues” doesn’t really say much.1 · -
Re: Reorder columns in a dataset
Check with your Database administrator.1 · -
Re: Reorder columns in a dataset
No. Unless you change the order on the source table or use database views.1 · -
Re: Enhance Dataiku - Snowflake interoperability
With regards to special charaters in object names I agree in principle that this should be done and should work the way you expect but in practice it's pretty much imposible for Dataiku to handle all…1 · -
Overview of all running jobs
Hello Community, Is it possible to get an overview of all running jobs? Is it possible by checking the internal metrics dss_jobs and then filtering on state empty? This seems to provide an overview o…1 · -
Re: API to obtain list of currently running jobs in a DSS instance
Links to the python main API client methods: dataiku.api_client().list_futures(): dataiku.api_c…1 ·