Unexpected EDA kernel failure

rbonazzoBfw Registered Posts: 3 ✭✭✭
edited July 16 in Using Dataiku


Creating my first project,

the dataset is a Psotgresql table with 5 Milions of invoices, the customer need some stats about those data.

So I create a Dss, create the following flows

  1. Import data from DB [OK]
  2. Prepare the data [OK]
  3. Run the JOB [OK]
  4. Try the Stats with the first records [OK]
  5. Try the Stats or other Graph with all the data I receive the following error
Unexpected EDA kernel failure com.dataiku.dip.exceptions.CodedException: Could not stream sample to EDA Python kernel, caused by: CodedException: Could not stream sample to EDA Python kernel, caused by: EOFException: null More information on this error in DSS documentation Additional technical details: HTTP code: 500,Code: ERR_EDA_COMPUTE_KERNEL_FAILURE, type: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help


Operating system used: MAcOs


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