GIT: Manual or automatic commits
I would like to know more about the topic of configuring the GIT integration to use manual commits. However, the documentation section is empty, https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/collaboration/versi…1 · -
Re: Git conflicts
Unfortunately, I haven't made any progress in this regard. Working with git in Dataiku remains painfull. I think this is a point where Dataiku really needs to improve.2 · -
Re: Pass argument to Dash object
Would it be possible to move that line, `app = Dash(...)` into the user code? If you make it part of the templates, it shouldn't make it more complex for "non-power user", and it would unle…2 · -
Re: Pass argument to Dash object
@HenriC As a side note, many of the features of [dash-extensions](https://github.com/thedirtyfew/dash-extensions) relies on the app object construction being part of the user code. So to be able to u…1 · -
Re: GIT: Manual or automatic commits
Thank you so much, @Ignacio_Toledo ! That was exactly the answer I was looking for. I was looking at the wrong place (in the git settings)1 ·