DataFlow Zone
Hi Dataiku,
This is how my dataflow looks for one part of the project, see the attached.
Now I have 4 more similar data flows for the same project.
This project contains 5 dataflows, with 5 different files to process, in the image is only the 1st file(with 5 zones already)
The following zones are for the files to be moved to another folders when process is Done/Failed: 'Move to Error', 'Move to Done'.
My questions:
Can I put the zone in another zone or the only solution is to create new projects?
Let me know what do you think is the best practice for the issue!
Operating system used: VM
JordanB Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 295 Dataiker
Hi @Kyest00
,It sounds like what you may want to do is copy a zone from one zone to another, which can be done a couple of ways:
1. Hold down shift and select the objects/datasets and select "copy" from the side panel.
2. Select "Flow Actions" from the bottom right of the flow -> "Copy Subflow" -> choose items from the flow and select "Add" -> "Copy To".If this is not the solution that you're looking for, would you please provide an example of what you would like the result to look like?