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Added on August 14, 2020 12:40PM
Likes: 3
Replies: 4
Dear all,
In a similar vein to the question Save pandas dataframe to .csv in managed S3 folder I would like to know how to write an excel file to the same type of managed S3 folder. I have successfully been able to write CSVs, as well as, images (as explained here ) to said folder, but when I attempt to save my pandas dataframe to an excel file using the same syntax as for the CSV:
with handler.get_writer("my_df.xlsx") as w:
I get the following error:
AttributeError: ManagedFolderWriter instance has no attribute 'tell'
Could anybody help me with this issue?
Nevermind, the solution was right under my nose. In fact, the contents of the dataframe must first be written to a BytesIO object which then is uploaded to the managed folder:
buf = io.BytesIO()
handler.upload_stream('my_df.xlsx', buf.getvalue())
So, much like saving an image to the same type of folder.
Hi @Mario_Burbano
. Thank you for your solution. Is there a way I can expand this to write multiple dataframes to different sheets within the excel workbook. So far I got:
import io
buf = io.BytesIO()
df1.to_excel(buf, sheet_name='Sheet1', encoding='utf-8', index = None, header = True)
test_S3_folder_demo.upload_stream('my_df.xlsx', buf.getvalue())
The above works, now how do I add a 'Sheet2' with data from a data frame 'df2'?
Could you please help?
I suggest you take a look at the following link, which illustrates how to work with multiple sheets in a single document.
Just posted a solution if you want: