Python recipe to generate a PPT output

Hello experts,
I am having a python code that would generate a ppt file. My code runs successfully, but I am unable to find the generated PPT file. Does dataiku python recipe support this? If it does, where can I find this file?
Best Answer
If you have no access to the machine directory itself, then you will need to include code in your Python recipe to save the object into a managed folder. The managed folder will need to be an output of your recipe.
Contents if managed folders in DSS are visible in the browser and you could download it there.
See here for docs on how to upload to folders.
Hi @shuvankarm
When you generate a file with code, it will, by default, save it into a temporary folder, unless you specify a path in your machine where this should be stored.
I recommend that, depending on the library you use, you check their docs on how to do this.
Good luck!
I am accessing the dataiku from web browser, and hence I do not see any options where my pc folder is accessible. I might be missing something. Can you please guide.