Scenario Conditional on Dataset Metric

Hi Community!
I would like to be able to have an automated scenario that runs through if a dataset's record count metric is > 0 but halts (also with SUCCESS) if the record count metric == 0.
More specifically, and by way of illustration, a scenario that does:
Step#1: build dataset A
Step#2: compute metrics on dataset A
Step#3: set a scenario variable v = row count metric on dataset A
Step#4: build dataset B if v > 0
Any ideas would be really welcome, thanks!
Best Answer
Hi Nik,
You can add a check on the metric row_count.
A check is a condition that depends on a metric, here the check would be a success if it's above or equal 1:If not the check is going to fail.
So then in your scenario
- step 3 is: run this check.
- step 4 is: build dataset B if no prior step failed. (you have this option in the step options)Matt
Thank you Matt!
I've accepted this at it gets what I need done, done - is there a way that I could have such a scenario conclude in a SUCESS, however? The build doesn't happen, which is great, but this isn't really a failure - everything has run correctly...
Thanks again,
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,252 Neuron
niko, if you are still looking for an answer on how to do this without failures look at my post: