Pilcrow Symbol ¶

Hi All,
Certain cells in an Excel dataset have an array of data in it but instead of a comma or any visible separator- some users end up doing an Alt+Enter that will put the next value below the first.
When we load it to Dataiku, it shows as a Pilcrow symbol (¶) and even if I create a step in the recipe to remove it, it just stays there. Can I please see your advise how I can fix this? Please see attached file.
Thanks so much and happy to be part of this community.
Best Answer
You can use \n to replace Pilcrow.
It works! Thanks so much
Hi Ed,
This is occurring because the underlying rows/data does not actually contain a pilcrow. You can confirm this is the case by adding a row in your excel file (or another file) that actually includes a pilcrow, and you'll find that the find and replace works. In actuality, it is still a line break and the pilcrow is merely indicating that this is the case.
As my colleague suggested, you could try using "\n" instead in the Find & Replace processor. Otherwise, code recipes could be another option as well.