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Added on May 29, 2020 2:29PM
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Replies: 4
I would like to make custom filters in the filter menu to make checks.
I don't want to create variables to do these checks.
For example, I would like to check if a variable contains negative values.
I would like to be able to make a filter of the type "value <0"
Thanks for explaining your need.
Actually, you can specify specific numeric limits on your Explore view filter, by clicking on the numbers.
Hope it helps,
The "Prepare" and "Sample/Filter" recipe can be used to create custom filters.
You can find more information on:
- our introduction video on the Prepare recipe:
- our introduction video on the Sample/Filter recipe:
- (new!) our Dataiku Academy module on core DSS concepts:
Hope it helps,
Thank you Alex,
I don't want to use a recipe
I would like to check data that i created with filter sub menu when i am on my dataset in "Explore" menu
I add a screenshot to be more precise
I can choose a modality in "texttual facet filer" but it's not whaut i want
I need to choose a range of value. It'almost possible in "numerical facet filer" but it's not easy to choose precisely the beginning and the end of the data range
Do I make myself clear ?
Thanks !