custom filter

I would like to make custom filters in the filter menu to make checks.
I don't want to create variables to do these checks.
For example, I would like to check if a variable contains negative values.
I would like to be able to make a filter of the type "value <0"
Best Answer
Thanks for explaining your need.
Actually, you can specify specific numeric limits on your Explore view filter, by clicking on the numbers.
Hope it helps,
The "Prepare" and "Sample/Filter" recipe can be used to create custom filters.
You can find more information on:
- our introduction video on the Prepare recipe:
- our introduction video on the Sample/Filter recipe:
- (new!) our Dataiku Academy module on core DSS concepts:
Hope it helps,
Thank you Alex,
I don't want to use a recipe
I would like to check data that i created with filter sub menu when i am on my dataset in "Explore" menu
I add a screenshot to be more precise
I can choose a modality in "texttual facet filer" but it's not whaut i want
I need to choose a range of value. It'almost possible in "numerical facet filer" but it's not easy to choose precisely the beginning and the end of the data range
Do I make myself clear ?
Thanks !