Dataiku Academy FAQ

Alex_Reutter Alpha Tester, Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer Posts: 105 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

If you can't find answers to your questions here, please open a topic in the Academy Discussions and ask.


Q : Do the courses and certificate programs on Dataiku Academy require a user to register an account?

A : You do need to register a free account and be logged in so you track your progress and earn certifications. However, the Dataiku Academy uses Single Sign-On so you will only ever need one account and set of credentials. If you have previously registered for the Dataiku Community, the same account can be used to seamlessly access the Academy, and vice versa. Individual lessons from Academy are generally available as articles on the Dataiku Knowledge Base without sign-in.

Q : How do I change my profile information (first name, last name, or email)?

A : To change your profile information please add the name details in your Dataiku Profile. You can access the Dataiku Profile also via the link from the Community's and Academy's user menu on the top right of the page when clicking on your avatar image. After you've updated the profile information please sign out from the Academy page, and then sign in again to ensure the name information gets updated. Finally, when accessing your certificate now from the Academy page it should bear the correct name from your profile.

Please note that if you used the Google or Github account sign in options this option will not be available.

Q : How do I see an overview of all the courses I've enrolled in and my status in each?

A : In your profile, you can find a list of registrations.

Q : I found a bug; how can I report it?

A : There is a feedback form you can use.


Q : Why does my certification display my login id rather than my real name?

A : To re-issue the certification with your correct name, please add the name details in your Dataiku Profile. You can access the Dataiku Profile also via the link from the Community's and Academy's user menu on the top right of the page when clicking on your avatar image. After you've updated the profile information please sign out from the Academy page and then sign in again to ensure the name information gets updated. Finally, when accessing your certification now from the Academy page it should bear the correct name from your profile.

Q : Can I improve my reported final test score?

A : The Academy platform always reports the first passing score.

Q : How much time on average is required to complete each certificate?

A : Every certification has an estimated time on its cover tile ranging from 1 to 2 hours. The quiz portion of the certification is limited to 1 hour in all cases. This estimate is separate than time you may spend completing recommended courses in the learning path to prepare for the certification.

Q : What are the prerequisites for a certification?

A : Work your way down the tree diagram on the certifications page to know which certifications are required to complete other certifications. For example, to access the MLOps Practitioner certification, you need to have completed the Core Designer, ML Practitioner, and Advanced Designer certifications.

Q : Are the courses in the associated learning path required to access the certification exam?

A : No. Completing the courses in the learning path will prepare you for the certification exam, but you are not required to do so.

Q : How should I prepare for a certification?

A : Every certification has an associated learning path of the same name containing a number of courses. The certification assumes knowledge of the recommended courses in the learning path. Completing the recommended courses in the associated learning path will prepare you for the certification exam. However, they are not strictly required if you have obtained proficiency in other ways.

Q : Is the content from the optional courses in a learning path covered on the certification exam?

A : No. Only content from the recommended courses in a learning path are covered on the certification exam. The optional courses provide additional learning opportunities, but often have a more niche focus not required for all learners.

Q : Can I retake the exam if I don't pass it the first time?

A : Yes! There is no limit to the number of times you can retake the exam.

Q : What will I receive after passing the certificate assessment?

A : You should receive an email that provides a link to your certificate, plus instructions on how to share this certificate to your LinkedIn profile. You should also see a link to your certificate in your profile page on Dataiku Academy.


You will also earn a badge to share in the Dataiku Community!

Q : What will I need to take the certificate assessment?

A : You will need access to a Dataiku instance. With the exception of the MLOps Practitioner certification, Dataiku Cloud or the free edition is compatible. Every certification lists its own requirements.

Q : How can I prepare to take the certificate assessment?

A : The best way to prepare is to work carefully through the recommended learning path courses associated with the assessment!

Q : What is the passing grade for the quizzes?

A : It depends:

  • Course Checkpoints typically have 10 questions and have a passing grade of 80%.
  • Certificate Assessments have a passing grade of 80%. For example, the Core Designer exam has 30 questions, so you will need to answer 24 or more correctly to pass.

Q : Will I receive a breakdown of the questions I answered correctly and incorrectly after the exam?

A : No. Unfortunately, there are parties selling the answers to our previous certificate exam, so in order to preserve the validity and value of the assessment, we will not be sharing the questions and answers.

Q : When I retake the certificate exam, will I see the same questions?

A : The 30 questions you see are randomly selected from a bank of questions, so some questions may be the same, and others will not.

Q : I’m already certified with the L1 DSS certification, is it still valid?

A : It depends :

  • L1 certifications taken before May 27, 2019 will be considered as expired on the 27th of July. We encourage you to take the new certificate assessments!
  • L1 certifications taken after May 27, 2019 will be valid for 1 year. For instance, a L1 certification taken on April 1st, 2020 will be valid until April 1st, 2021. After that date, you will have to take the new certificate assessments on the new Academy platform.


Q : When I click "+New Project > DSS Tutorials", I can't find the necessary starter projects. Where can I find them?

A : Aside from the Basics tutorials that are bundled with the software, the remaining tutorials are downloaded from the internet, and so require internet access. If your Dataiku instance is not connected to the internet, download the tutorial project you want from the public downloads site using a machine that does have internet access. Then you can transfer the files to the machine where you use Dataiku.

Q : Is there a 1.5x play option for videos?

A : You can control the playback speed from the settings menu in the lower right of the video.


Q : How much time on average is required to complete each course?

A : Completing a course typically takes about 1 hour. Look for the time estimate in the lower left corner of each course card for an estimate of each individual course.


Q : In what languages are the courses available?

A : Courses are currently available in English. French and English subtitles are available for most videos.



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