Cannot find Statistics tab
I'm starting the tutorial (basic). I'm at:
"Let’s create a worksheet with cards that perform EDA tasks. For example, if we are interested in seeing a side-by-side summary of the dataset for each of the variables pages_visited, tshirt_category, and total, then:
Click on the Statistics tab, and click +Create Your First Worksheet."
For the life of me I cannot find the "Statistics page of the dataset"
Could someone fix my broken eyes.
Best Answer
This feature was added in DSS 7, so to follow this part of the tutorial, you'll need this version.
The current latest version is 7.0.1 which can be downloaded from here:
Thank you. I am using the Virtual box version. Apparently 7.x is not released for that yet.
taraku Dataiker, Alpha Tester, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 53 Dataiker
Hi Chadwix! I hope you are enjoying Dataiku DSS Academy.
Interactive statistics was released with Dataiku DSS 7.0. To check out the latest version of Dataiku DSS, you can always get the free edition.
I hope this helps!