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Added on March 21, 2025 7:52PM
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This is a question I've asked myself and solved with a little Python code so I thought I'd share. I had a folder with several subfolders, each containing a JPEG for each page of the original PDF (for context this folder is the output of the Greyscale recipe from our Text Extraction plugin). I really only want to parse data/create RAG pipelines from the first page of every file. First I used List Files Recipe on my input folder. That and the input folder are the inputs to my Python recipe. Here is the code I used to do create that subset:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dataiku import pandas as pd, numpy as np from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu import shutil import os # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE # Read recipe inputs input_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("jpegs_local_files") #change this to your List Files output df = input_dataset.get_dataframe() input_folder = dataiku.Folder("WT1Fqq9q") #Change to your input folder ID input_folder_path = input_folder.get_path() print(input_folder_path) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE #Creating a list of the files I want in my output folder filtered_files = df[df["path"].str.endswith("1.jpg")]["path"].tolist() print(filtered_files) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE output_folder = dataiku.Folder("88GP6J5f") # Change to your output folder ID output_folder_path = output_folder.get_path() print(output_folder_path) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE #Loop through the list of files you want and add their paths to your output folder path
#Note this code will need a different method if your output folder is not stored in the managed filesystem
for file_path in filtered_files: source_path = os.path.join(input_folder_path, file_path.lstrip("/")) destination_path = os.path.join(output_folder_path, os.path.basename(file_path)) # Destination path print(f"Checking file: {source_path}") if os.path.exists(source_path): # Ensure the file exists shutil.copy(source_path, destination_path) print(f"Copied: {file_path} → {destination_path}")