Threshold optimization for what if? fuction in AutoMLprediction

Junichi Registered Posts: 18 ✭✭✭

I used "what if?" function in AutoMLprediction to do simulation, and I would like to change the threshold DSS automatically used.

In the userguide, there is below description. But I could not find any button/icon to change a threshold. Please let me know how to change it.

Prediction settings — Dataiku DSS 13 documentation

Threshold optimization

When doing binary classification, most models don’t output a single binary answer, but instead a continuous “score of being positive”. You then need to select a threshold on this score, above which DSS will consider the sample as positive. This threshold for scoring the target class is optimized according to the selected metric.

Optimizing the threshold is always a question of compromise between risking false positive and false negatives. DSS will compute the true-positive, true-negative, false-positive, false-negative (also known as the confusion matrix) for many values of the threshold and will automatically select the threshold based on the selected metric.

You can also manually set the threshold at any time in the result screens.

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