Collaborative use of code studio template

Maria Evgenia
Maria Evgenia Registered Posts: 2 ✭✭✭
edited January 17 in Using Dataiku

We have recently starting working with code studio templates in order to create streamlit webapps on Dataiku. We quickly realized that while each (non admin) user can create their proper code studio instance from a specific code studio template without any issues, it is not possible for multiple (non admin) users to have access and work simultaneously on the same code studio. Just to clarify, I am talking about non published code studios. We've seen that it is possible to change the owner of the code studio but this does not let us work simultaneously. Is there a way to have multiple owners for the same code studio in order to work on it? Or if that is not possible, how could multiple users work on the same code studio at the same time?


  • JeanC
    JeanC Dataiker, Registered Posts: 1 Dataiker

    Hi Maria Evgenia!

    You indeed can't collaborate in real-time on Code Studios, nor can you set multiple owners, unfortunately. One workaround would be to share as much as possible of the Code Studio's code through shared files, such as project libraries.

    Hope that helps!

  • Turribeach
    Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,248 Neuron

    I am not really sure what you mean by "non published code studios". I presume you mean code that has been editted in a Code Studio but has been sync'ed back to DSS. As Jean says and you have found out there is no way to collaborate code that has not been sync'ed with DSS. You could potentially use an external Git repo inside Code Studios but this won't allow full collaboration, just merely merging back to to Git which then could be used as a source for the code. In any case I think this is not a pattern you want to promote. Dataiku allows collaboration to certain level but it's does not support fully multi-user concurrent editing so you always need to be aware of who's working on what object (hence why the UI notifies you if other users are looking at the same object you are looking at).

  • Maria Evgenia
    Maria Evgenia Registered Posts: 2 ✭✭✭

    When I mention "non published" code studios, I am talking about the state of code studios before publishing it via the button "Publish" (Make this Code Studio available as a webapp). It is true that fully multi-user concurrent editing is not a good idea. And indeed a Git repo is the best way to collaborate while coding in the same project. The problem is that when it comes to streamlit, collaborating using a git repo that has to be merged before its "final" version use seems time-consuming. I was wondering whether there was a way for a user to contribute to a "common" code studio when no other user is editing it (asynchronoys mode). Maybe it could be useful to indeed have a notification from the UI when another user tries to use a code studio (when another user is already "logged in"). This way the user comming in second is blocked and the first user is notified that someone needed to make modifications.

  • Turribeach
    Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,248 Neuron

    OK I got confused because in reality "Code Studios" don't really get published. What gets published is the Webapp inside them. Furthermore there are several different types of Code Studios and some are not Webapp based like Visual Studio Code which doesn't have a publish button but a sync button. So I think it's best if you refer to them with the full context like "Streamlit Code Studio" or "VSCode Code Studio".

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