Running the script in analysis using the API

I have multiple dataiku models deployed in the flow. I want to refresh the model periodically using the API.
The currently deployed model has custom features defined inside the analysis section of the lab. When refreshing the model, I want to copy these steps in the deployed model to the current model trial, create the same custom features, and then run multiple trials ( different algorithms, features, parameters, etc.)
I have developed the code as given below. Here, I am retrieving the analysis from the current model and copying it to the current ML task. However, I am unable to access these features during the settings.use_feature(feature_name) step, it gives a key error indicating that it is missing in the feature dictionary.
But when I manually open the API created lab session, I see custom feature preparation steps in the analysis. I can use these features to train the model. But doing the same in API gives me an error.
What am I missing here? Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
def get_current_features(project, model_id):
Retrieves the list of current input features for a deployed model by its ID.
:param project: A DSSProject object representing the Dataiku project.
:param model_id: String, the ID of the model for which features are to be retrieved.
:return: A list of feature names that are used as inputs in the model.
# Get the saved model
deployed_model = project.get_saved_model(model_id)
# Get active version ID from model settings
active_version_id = deployed_model.get_settings().get_raw()['activeVersion']
# Get the details for the active version
version_details = deployed_model.get_version_details(active_version_id).get_raw()
# Extract feature details from the preprocessing info
feature_details = version_details['preprocessing']['per_feature']
# Filter and collect current input features
current_features = [key for key, value in feature_details.items() if value.get('role') == "INPUT"]
return current_features
#get the model id of the deployed model in flow
model_id = #YOUR_MODEL_ID
#get the current features of the deployed model
current_features = get_current_features(project,model_id)
# Retrieve the deployed model
model = project.get_saved_model(model_id)
# Get the ML task from which this saved model was created
original_mltask = model.get_origin_ml_task()
original_mltask_settings = original_mltask.get_settings()
# Retrieve the analysis script associated with this ML task
analysis_id = original_mltask_settings.analysis_id
analysis = project.get_analysis(analysis_id)
analysis_def = analysis.get_definition()
#Custom Features build using the script
original_script = analysis_def.get_raw_script()
# Load datasets
master_data = project.get_dataset(master_data_name) #TRAIN DATA
upcoming_data = project.get_dataset(upcoming_data_name) #TEST DATA
mltask = project.create_prediction_ml_task(
ml_backend_type='PY_MEMORY', # ML backend to use
guess_policy='DEFAULT' # Template to use for setting default parameters
#Copy analysis scripts from the existing model to get the custom features
new_analysis = project.get_analysis(mltask.analysis_id)
new_an_def = new_analysis.get_definition()
new_an_def.get_raw()["script"] = original_script
# Wait for the ML task to be ready
train_selection_builder = dataikuapi.dss.utils.DSSDatasetSelectionBuilder()
test_selection_builder = dataikuapi.dss.utils.DSSDatasetSelectionBuilder()
# Obtain settings, enable GBT, and save settings
settings = mltask.get_settings()
settings.set_algorithm_enabled("GBT_REGRESSION", True)
features_to_reject = []
def handle_feature(feature_name, feature_params):
if feature_name not in current_features and feature_params["role"] == 'INPUT':
return feature_params
for feature_name in current_features:
for feature_name in features_to_reject:
# Save the settings
# Start training and wait for it to be complete
Operating system used: Windows 10