API : load a request from postman/bruno collection

Hello all,
Configuring by hand a rest api can be painful.
On the other hand, the API world use a lot tools such as Postman or Bruno (an open source clone) which allows easy test, debug... I use it everytime I had to work on a rest API and then I try to translate it to the final tool . Both tools offer "collection", a set of request, and also environment configuration. Here are some examples on the project I'm working on :
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,238 Neuron
This is something you could easily implement yourself via a Dataiku Plugin. In fact there is already an API Connect Dataiku plugin which connects to REST APIs. So you could easily fork the plugin Github repo and add support for Postman collections. In fact there are a number of existing open source projects that can handle Postman colllections and should bootstrap the changes needed to the existing plugin:
postpy2: Postpy2 is a library that runs Postman's collections.
postmanparser: Postman collection parser written in python3 to extract HTTP requests/responses.
python-postman: pypostman is a command-line interface that allows to automate multiple api calls from postman collections.
Then you could submit a PR to the API Connect plugin owner (Alex Bourret, a Dataiku R&D Engineer) and have Postman collections support being integrated in the "official" plugin. A triple win, you, Dataiku and the Community!