Can't delete files in managed folder

Registered Posts: 9 ✭✭✭
Hi, I uploaded a file to a managed folder in dataiku. Then I noticed it has to be renamed so I did that. After that there is the new renamed file, but also the old file with wrong name. When I try to delete the old file I get:
Deleting items...
Errors were encountered
- Failed to delete S3 file,
bucket=s3-prod-01-*****.xlsx, caused by: MultiObjectDeleteException: One
or more objects could not be deleted (Service: null; Status Code: 200;
Error Code: null; Request ID: M24MBXZDBWZPD; S3 Extended Request ID:
Proxy: null) Failed
to delete S3 file, bucket=s3-prod-01-*****.xlsx, caused by: MultiObjectDeleteException: One
or more objects could not be deleted (Service: null; Status Code: 200;
Error Code: null; Request ID: M24MBXZDBWZPD; S3 Extended Request ID:
Proxy: null)
Operating system used: Windows 11
The error is directly coming from AWS SDK.
The best way is to open a support ticket with the Request ID and S3 Extended Request ID and they will be able to figure out what the issue is.