Best Way to integreate GIT with Code Studio for version control

kai_fang Registered Posts: 7 ✭✭

We have in house python package developed and they are used as main building block for DSS Recipes. And recently we start to integrate Code Studio with hope to use it as the main IDE for development work directly on the cloud. We currently has a Code Env which include all the in house python package we develop, and we can setup code studio to debug code on this package by changing debug config to be "just my code": False.
However, we are thinking about what would be the best way to setup a developement environment for these package using Code Studio.

  1. Should we import the package as library into the project, and debug on the library code, and edit library code so as to create feature branch and commit to master branch.
  2. If we use the approach above, is it possible to linked the code in the library folder directly to the git remote, so that we could use the git feature in code studio to directly manage the feature branch (create feature branch, push to feature branch, commit and rebase), or we have to manage it in DataIKU git management tool, which is not too convenient to create feature branch from master easily.

Or there is any other best prastice for using DataIKU as a development tool when there are a lots of inhouse package that we need to utilize and sometime debug and add new feature to those package.

Operating system used: Linux

Operating system used: Linux

Setup Info
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