How to set the connecion of Bigquery right?

Rakuwa Registered Posts: 2

Hi there,

I am attempting to create a connection of Bigquery and Dataiku, so that my dataset used in flow can refresh itself schedueled automatically. While I need to download and upload the bigquery table by myself everytime now, which is quite unconvenient.

Should I do some setting in GCP Bigquery either before I configure the connections in Dataiku?And I'm confused with what should I entry to the blank.I entried information following but it turns out error when I click "test" button.

dataiku connection.png

Project ID : I entry the project ID of the project which I attempt to connect in bigquery

Client ID: My GCP account

Client secret: My GCP account's password

Scope: the default scope


Error messege:User 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' does not have credentials for connection 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.

I guess that I should obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google API Console firstly, am I right?

And any other settings should I configure out ?

Thanks a lot,


Operating system used: Dataiku Cloud


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