Prepare Recipe When Ran Changing the Order of Rows

ESoto Registered Posts: 20 ✭✭✭✭

Hello everyone,

I have a prepare recipe and in the steps all my rows in columns are in the correct order. However, once the recipe runs, it is completely changing the order of how my rows need to be showing.


Last Name

First Name


Last Name 1

First Name 1

ID 1

Last Name 2

First Name 2

ID 2

Once the recipe runs the order now shows as this:


Last Name

First Name

Last Name 1

ID 1

First Name 1

Last Name 4

Last Name 2

ID 2

When I go back into the parent recipe it shows the rows correctly and I can't figure out how to stop this from happening once it is run. If anyone could please assist with this because it will mess up the who dataset and next recipe I need to do if it stays this way.

Best Answer

  • ESoto
    ESoto Registered Posts: 20 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Update: Resolved

    The prepared recipe has too many steps for it to process correctly, so I disabled my transform columns step and adding in fillers for blank rows, made a new prepared recipe with the transform column step and the order is now back intact as it should be.

    If anyone has another solution without needing to make new prepare recipes, let me know.


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