add a symbol to datasets protected by an "explicit" or "write-protected" rebuild behaviour

It would be beneficial to add a symbol to datasets in the flow when their default rebuild behavior is not set to "normal" (specifically when the rebuild behaviour is configured to either "explicit" or "write-protected").
This addition is important because users may find themselves unsettled by the errors that arise when attempting to construct a workflow with protected datasets. For instance, these errors might indicate empty datasets without explicitly specifying that the issue stems from the blocked build behavior of the preceding dataset.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,263 Neuron
Like Projects Datasets can also have tags. And if you tag them you can easily filter them in the flow (see below). Granted this is not an automated process but wouldn't take long to code something that automatically tags dasets on a daily basis. Also have you seen my Custom Views idea? You requirement would be covered by my idea as it will allow many more types of custom views to be created.