Advanced Designer Fuzzy Join Error

aronelston Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 1

Hi community,

Pretty new to Dataiku but not to analytics and data visualization, integration etc. But I'm having an issue in the course. I'm doing the tutorial for the Fuzzy Join and am working on our cloud instance (not on my local pc) and I went through and created the fuzzy match according to the instructions (Went back through a few times and don't see where I made any mistakes, but hey, who knows?) Anyway, when I run it I get the following error:

DSS type geopoint is not supported by Parquet writer

Screenshot 2023-12-20 123132.png

Not sure if it's an issue with my configuration, but when I selected more information, I get this response:

DSS type geopoint is not supported by Parquet writer

You may need to ask your DSS administrator to check logs for additional information

Additional technical details

  • Error type:com.dataiku.dip.utils.NotImplementedException



Operating system used: Windows 11 Profession



  • pmasiphelps
    pmasiphelps Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 33 Dataiker

    Hi Aron,

    You can change the output dataset type from Parquet to CSV and it should work.

    Click once on the output dataset, scroll down on the right menu to change connection, and change to the S3 connection CSV format.

    Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 1.05.23 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 1.05.42 PM.png



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