Assigning new values within a range based on probability

COREY Registered Posts: 18 ✭✭✭✭

In a list of accounts, I have three probabilities that give the likelihood of each account being in one of three groups: Low, Medium, and High.

For a given account, they might have a 30% probability of being Low, 10% probability of being Medium and 60% probability of being High. In that case, we would call this account 'High'

For an account that is most likely to be in 'Low', I need to assign a value between 0 and 40. For an account that is most likely to be in 'Medium, I need to assign a value between 41 and 60. For an account that is most likely to be in 'High', I need to assign a value between 61 and 100.

I need the value assignment to be based on the probability, so the accounts with the highest probabilities of being 'Low' are closer to 40, while accounts with the lower probabilities of being 'Low' are closer to 0. I'd like there to be uniform assignment of account across all values in the Low/Medium/High groups.

I thought I could use the discretize bins feature or possibly a function, but I don't know if that gets to some of the nuances I mentioned above. I appreciate any help that you all can offer.

Operating system used: Windows

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