Error while installing packages from requirements.txt
Hi everyone. I am trying to create a new code environment for my project in dataiku dss. Below is the complete requirements.txt file for Python 3.9.
geopandas==0.13.0 rasterio==1.3.6 opencv-python== pandas==1.5.3 patchify==0.2.3 PyYAML==6.0 efficientnet==1.0.0 plotly==5.13.1 kaleido==0.2.1 lightning==2.0.0 albumentations==1.3.0 tensorflow==2.10.0 segmentation-models==1.0.1
Problem is, that I am not able to install these packages in the dataiku platform, however all these packages are working perfectly well in local computer as well on any other cloud VM. I am not able to understand what exactly is causing the problem and how to fix this, as the logs are not much informative. On this note, is there a way to check the logs in more detail? Also is there is there any access to any terminal in dataiku dss platform that I can use? Please find below the screenshot of the error message I am getting during the installation of all the packages.
Operating system used: Windows
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,170 Neuron
Dataiku is not compatioble with pandas 1.5.x. The latest pandas version you can use with Dataiku v11/v12 is pandas 1.3.5. You can up-vote this Product Idea to add support for pandas 2.0 in Dataiku: