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Added on September 27, 2023 10:42PM
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Replies: 1
Hi all ,,
I need to use the sparkSql and spark for python I installed the spark and it shown in the administration settings .
but when I run the sparkSQL it raised this error
please anyone can help or send an article to follow the configuration
Thanks in advance ,,,
This issue usually occurs when spark integration was not re-run after a recent upgrade and it can't find spark-submit.
Please re-run spark integration using the standalone archive downloaded from Dataiku DSS download site for your DSS version:
You can run spark integration with the following command using the version of your DSS version:
/data/bin/dssadmin install-spark-integration -standaloneArchive PATH_TO/dataiku-dss-spark-standalone-12.2.0-3.4.1-generic-hadoop3.tar.gz
This is explained here Setup Spark.