Difference between Development, Test, and Production in Deployer Node
I'm looking at deploying the bundle to Automation Node.
On deployer node, I can see 'Development', 'Test', 'Production'.
What is the purpose of each of these settings for Automation Node?
Why would Automation Node have 'development' setting?
It would be great if someone can provide a documentation on this.
Thanks in advance!
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 1,877 Neuron
These are the typical environments that most people would use but you can define your own if you want. You can have as many Automation node environments as you want, or you could directly deploy to Automation Production, it's to you. The idea of having an Automation Development environment is that you can test your project in the Automation node which is supposed to be hands off developers and run projects in unattented mode. So it gives Developers a chance to test their flows in the Automation node before moving them to Test.