Connecting anaconda with dss windows version

razan Partner, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 6 Partner

Hello community,

I am having a trouble connecting anaconda with DSS windows version. I have followed the instructions on this thread, I searched for the path of anaconda and then added it to the env-site.ps1. (env-site.ps1 for windows, for Linux)

Here are the screenshots of the steps I have made.

I have found the conda path like follows:


And I have found the env-site.ps1 file (with the path: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Dataiku\DataScienceStudio\dss_home\bin\env-site.ps1), and inside the file I used the following:

setx PATH C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3;C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3\Library\mingw-w64\bin;C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3\Library\usr\bin;C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3\Library\bin;C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3\Scripts;C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3\bin;C:\Users\LENOVO\anaconda3\condabin;
But I still recieve this error:

Thank you.

Operating system used: windows 10


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