edit image labels after validation

maskotky Registered Posts: 4

Hi my case is very simple.

I label images using image labeling, then I validate them.

If I made a mistake during validation and I need to relabel some samples or edit their labels how can I do it?



  • max
    max Dataiker Posts: 8 Dataiker


    On the Review tab (where you go to validate images), in the left panel there is a "Validated" button that shows all the images that you've already validated. Once you've selected an image, you can update its label (and also redraw annotations if using Object Detection).

    Let us know if you have any more questions.

    Thank you,


  • maskotky
    maskotky Registered Posts: 4

    I really cannot see this button that you have menitoned and attached.

    I attached my panel view here.


  • max
    max Dataiker Posts: 8 Dataiker

    Sorry, this button is only available in 11.1+. If you cannot upgrade, there is a small workaround.

    1. On the review tab, click on the copy permalink button (next to Back | Next | Reset). This will create a URL that points to the current image being reviewed.

    2. Replace what comes after ?identifier= with the path of the image you want to re-validate. (The path corresponds to the path defined in your input dataset.)

    3. Go to that URL. You should now be able to re-validate the image.

    Hope this helps,


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