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Added on March 10, 2023 4:57PM
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Replies: 3
I am trying to install the standalone hadoop integration for Dataiku. My Dataiku instance is hosted on a linux server and when I follow the directions for standalone installation here (Setting up Hadoop integration — Dataiku DSS 11 documentation), I get a permission denied error because it's treating the "-standaloneArchive" as "-s tandaloneArhive". I'm not much of a sysadmin so I have limited knowledge of working in linux. An image is attached of the command I am running.
Instead of working with the full dataiku-dss-hadoop...tar.gz filename I have the file named as hadoop3-standalone.tar.gz. Would that have any impact on the install?
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Operating system used: Linux
Operating system used: Linux
The correct command should be with -standaloneArchive
./bin/dssadmin install-hadoop-integration -standaloneArchive dataiku-dss-spark-standalone-11.1.1-3.2.1-generic-hadoop3.tar.gz
Not you need to download the appropriate archive for your version from :
Thanks for your response. I tried that exact command using -standaloneArchive with the full name of the tar.gz file and got the same error of permission denied to execute tandaloneArchive. Any other suggestions?
Turns out it was permissions issues on my end and the location of where I placed the tar.gz file. Your response was correct. Thank you!