Building a recipe

Erlebacher Registered Posts: 82 ✭✭

Consider a section of my flow:


 I right-click on the Python recipe furthest to the right (it would be nice if all recipes had a default label that could be change. Not clear why that cannot be done). I get the choices below:


Only Filtered_rankings is listed. Why aren't both output datasets listed? Of course, when the recipe runs, the second output dataset will be executed. But if this were a more complex network with more downstream elements, the user would not know for sure that both branches of the downstream network would be executed. Again, why aren't both files listed? Thanks. 

Operating system used: Mac Ventura


Best Answer

  • Zach
    Zach Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 153 Dataiker
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Erlebacher

    When you right-clicked the recipe, did you pick the "Build Flow outputs reachable from here" option?

    It's expected behavior that this option only shows the furthest downstream outputs (this is what "Flow outputs" means). Nonfiltered_rankings isn't shown because the Output folder is further downstream than it.

    If you want to see all of the datasets that will be built, you can choose the "PREVIEW" option:




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