
Erlebacher Registered Posts: 82 ✭✭

I have a custom multiclassification algorithm. I cannot figure out the conditions under which the Dataiku scoring system will call predict_proba. Thanks for any help.


Operating system used: Marcos M1



  • Erlebacher
    Erlebacher Registered Posts: 82 ✭✭

    I have made some progress, within the "lab" attached to one of my training sets. I have defined two scoring functions, and they run properly (I return "synthetic" data consistent with the required formats). But then I get the following error:

    ValueError: Classification metrics can't handle a mix of multiclass and continuous targets

    It is true that my features are a mixture of multiclass and continuous targets. Still, I have two questions:

    1) if I am writing custom functions, why should Dataiku care about this mixture?

    2) why can't this error be listed before wasting computational resources processing my custom functions? Dataiku must know about this mix immediately at the very first stage when my custom algorithm is trained (which Dataiku had no issues with.)

    3) What is happening after the function scoring?

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