Saving custom prepare processor

PeteGore Registered Posts: 1

Hello everyone,

I began using Dataiku a few days ago. I have a lot of "address" data, and I tried to use the Geocoder pluging in order to convert them into usable coordinates and geopoints.

As this plugin induces many java errors on my installation (NullPointerException), I decided to create my own prepare-recipe Python processor which call the Google Geocoding API.

Thus, I have 2 questions :

  1. Is there a possibility to create multiple columns with a Python processor ? I would like to add latitude, longitude, for example, but I cannot find how to do that.
  2. is there a way to save a Python processor in order to re-use it on other recipes or other projects ?

Thanks a log for your answers.

Operating system used: AlmaLinux (AWS)



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