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Added on November 11, 2022 2:08PM
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Replies: 1
From the scenarios section, the Excel spreadsheet created by the Multi-sheet Excel Export plug-in does not appear as a file to attach, though the three tables that went into building the spreadsheet are. Is this a case of a choice between either downloading the spreadsheet independently to be distributed manually, or distributing the tables that go into the spreadsheet in an automated fashion (to be assembled outside of DataIKU)?
Thank you.
If you have the inclination, I'd like to invite you to consider a python recipe. In the few cases when I hit a must-have capability that is not part of DSS or one of its plugins, I've resolved the issue by writing a dozen or two lines of Python code. I'll usually start by trying to find the python librar(y|ies) that do the thing I want and look at how others have used the library. Then I'll load those libraries into a Jupyter Notebook and have a go.
My $0.02 for what it's worth.