Get the pattern of a partitioned managed folder

Registered Posts: 2 ✭
I'm working with partitoned managed folders and i would like to get the pattern of the partionning (available in the web interface ; see screenshot)
For Datasets, I can get such informations with
dst = dataiku.Dataset(dataset_name) dst.get_config()["partitioning"]["filePathPattern"]
But I cant find the equivalent for managed folder.
Operating system used: Macos
Hi @Moon11
,You can get the partitioning pattern of a managed folder by using the API client:
import dataiku client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_default_project() # Set this to the ID of your folder folder = project.get_managed_folder("d2FXUqyf") folder.get_definition()["partitioning"]["filePathPattern"]
Thx it was exactly what I was looking for !