Take the Shortcut: Business Solutions Available for Drug Repurposing & Pharmacovigilance

Hugosh Dataiker, Registered Posts: 7 Dataiker

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This time, Take The Shortcut goes all pharma! We present two of our Dataiku Business Solutions specifically created to ease the work of teams using data science and AI in pharmaceutical companies. Both solutions leverage AI to identify weak signals that could be an opportunity for creating new drugs or, on the contrary, alleviate the risks coming from drug adverse reactions.

Drug Repurposing through Graph focuses on understanding links between drugs, genes, diseases, and more to accelerate repurposing opportunities for drugs. As the cost of new drug development constantly increases, the speedy identification of repurposing opportunities is critical.

Pharmacovigilance, meanwhile, is the ready-to-use solution to detect adverse drug reaction from safety reports published by FAERS. It can filter to relevant analysis cohorts, process and clean the data, and generate safety insights to discover potential signals that inform drug risk profiles based on disproportionate reporting. Post-market safety surveillance is essential to discover novel drug risks and prevent unnecessary patient harm.

Before exploring these two topics further, let’s take a closer look at Dataiku Business Solutions, what they’re about, and how you can use them in your day-to-day work to achieve real-world business value!

About Dataiku Business Solutions

Business Solutions are ready-to-use Dataiku projects and analytical apps that accelerate the way to achieving advanced or foundational industry-specific use cases within your organization. They are an operational shortcut to gaining real-world business value. Taking advantage of Dataiku’s core features, they are also built to be fully customizable and entirely editable.

Business Solutions already support the acceleration of AI journeys of various functions from different industries, including financial services, retail and CPG, health and pharma, and even manufacturing. To find out more, you can check them out on the Dataiku website or directly through your Dataiku instance.

Business Solutions of the Month

Drug Repurposing with Graph Analytics


This solution provides a fully clean and blended dataset that makes use of numerous public sources of data regarding drug chemistry and gene interactions, among other relevant features. With a single click, researchers can update the dataset with the latest research and information from the scientific community. What’s more, the solution is scalable to incorporate proprietary data and algorithms.

Features of the solution include:

Automate ingestion of publicly available data from a variety of sources using simple visual recipes.

Clean and prepare input data with visual recipes and basic python code to extract graph nodes.

Identify relationships between nodes by building graphs and start exploring.

Inject graphs into neo4J through a dedicated click-and-release plugin, and build tailored insights through Linkurious.

Pharmacovigilance Safety Analytics and Signal Detection


With this solution, the objective is for global drug safety surveillance teams to ensure the proper use and rapid detection of potential harm from drugs on the market. It provides immediate insights to detect drug risks early and prevent patient harm. It ensures benefit and safety in diverse populations over longer time periods, often under-served in rigid clinical trial I/E criteria.

What’s included in the solution:

Ingest, filter, and process FAERS quarterly data files safety reports.

Safety report analytics insights across and within cohorts.

Generate, report, and monitor Drug and Adverse Reaction signals.

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Requirements to Use Dataiku Business Solutions

If you’re interested in using a Dataiku Business Solution, the requirements are simple. You must have relevant business data to feed the solution and use Dataiku 9 or a later version. All other technical requirements and useful code environments can be found in our Knowledge Base.

You can learn more about the different Business Solutions available to Dataiku users like you by discovering the ones featured last month, or by browsing all of the installments in our ongoing series.

Which Dataiku Business Solution are you most interested in trying? Let us know in the comments!

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