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Added on November 4, 2022 4:05PM
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Replies: 3
Anyone know why I can't upload any bigger files into my flow? It has just recently stopped working yesterday and I think it has to do with the excel I am trying to upload
Hi @LucaP23
What is the size of the file that you are trying to upload?
Does it work if you export the data to CSV and load the CSV into DSS?
Hi Catalina,
It is 554MBs - and it is too big for my laptop to manipulate it in any way. Even if I open / close it, it will freeze and crash my excel. So I am unable to try the CSV suggestion.
Hi @LucaP23
The error message indicates "HTTP code 0, type: unknown". This means this is a network related issue caused either by a proxy (between your browser and DSS) or antivirus software installed on your host.
For further investigation please open a support ticket and provide additional information such as a diagnostic of your DSS instance or a HAR file.