How to add additional dataset in Python Recipe so that it is also reflected in the project flow.
Let's say I created a Python Recipe and added two datasets as input i.e. dataset A and dataset B. One output dataset (dataset result). Now, I will get datasets A and B pointing towards the recipe in the flow. Later for some reason I have to add another dataset (dataset C) which I can easily read in the recipe using the following line of code:
Result_Data = dataiku.Dataset("Dataset C")
df_c = Result_Data.get_dataframe()
Now the issue is, this dataset is not reflected in the Flow. I do not get now dataset C also pointing towards this Python recipe. Is there a way to add an additional dataset so that it is also reflected on the project FLOW? If yes, also please explain how it can be achieved for the Pyspark recipe.
Operating system used: linux
Best Answer
Hi @Dawood154
,You can add an additional dataset to a recipe in the Inputs/Outputs tab of the recipe settings: