Exporting data to PowerBI
Registered Posts: 10 ✭✭✭✭
Whilst exporting to PowerBI for the first time, I got this error.
Anyone experience with the error below?
Looking for Power BI datasets with similar names...
ERROR [-] Error while creating your Power BI dataset.
ERROR [-] Azure response:
"Message": "An error has occurred."
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/DataScienceStudio.app/Contents/Resources/kit/python/dataiku/exporter/server.py", line 106, in serve
row_count = export_rows(exporter, command["exportBehavior"], command["schema"], input, command.get("destinationFilePath", None))
File "/Applications/DataScienceStudio.app/Contents/Resources/kit/python/dataiku/exporter/server.py", line 31, in export_rows
File "/var/folders/k8/jbnml6rd43g6_3m16qrz1jxm0000gn/T/tmpWIutQT/code.py", line 66, in open
sys.exit("Dataset creation error")
SystemExit: Dataset creation error
Hi Tycho - can you please open a support ticket and attach the complete job log please?