How to set-up a AWS SQS connection in Dataiku and read the streaming input to a recipe

vaishnavi Registered Posts: 40 ✭✭✭✭

I want to set-up AWS SQS connection in Dataiku and read the streaming data as an input to my recipe. I read the below article

I did enable the "Enable Streaming" option under "Administration" section and restarted DSS.

I then tried setting up a AWS SQS connection to Dataiku DSS. I have provided the credentials and region info to connect. But when I click on "Test" to test the connection, it says "Connection to SQS failed: Unable to execute HTTP request: Connection reset, caused by: SocketException: Connection reset"

Please help me with below queries:

1. How to set-up AWS SQS connection in Dataiku successfully ?

2. How to read the SQS messages as input to my recipe ?


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