Run a recipe using Dataiku API

Povilas Registered Posts: 23 ✭✭✭✭


I am new in using Dataiku API. I tried some simple examples such as create dataset, delete dataset and so on. Also I found one of your examples that creates Python recipe and sets inputs and outputs

from dataikuapi import GroupingRecipeCreator
builder = GroupingRecipeCreator('test_group', project)
builder = builder.with_input("input_dataset_name")
builder = builder.with_new_output("output_dataset_name", "hdfs_managed", format_option_id="PARQUET_HIVE")
builder = builder.with_group_key("quantity") # the recipe is created with one grouping key
recipe =

Basically object builder helps to create a recipe. But is there any way to run a recipe? Or is it only possible to run this in Dataiku manually?


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