The 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards Are Open for Submissions

Katrina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 43 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

Are you one of those analytics wizards, who are leveraging Dataiku to upskill and make sense of their data? Or an AI pioneer, building moonshot projects for a better future? Or a visionary, on a mission to elevate more people and systematize the use of data in your organization?

We want to hear your story! Enter your submission for the 2022 edition of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards to share your pioneering achievements with the data science community and gain industry recognition.

Created to celebrate the success of all people who harness the power of data, the Awards are open to Dataiku customers, partners, nonprofits, academics, and individual users (including, of course, all of our valued Dataiku Community members!). The winners and finalists will be determined by a panel of judges composed of Dataiku executives and industry experts and announced in the fall of 2022.

Watch the video below to learn more about the competition, and continue reading to find out how you can enter your submission!


Submit Your Use Case or Success Story

The Dataiku Frontrunner Awards seek to showcase inspiring stories and innovative use cases from organizations, teams, and solo practitioners. Our wide range of categories covers the full value spectrum, and we encourage you to submit your entry to one or more of them for consideration.

Use Cases

  • Data Science for Good - Turning the spotlight on the best use of Dataiku by companies and individuals making a positive impact on the world.
  • Responsible AI - Highlighting AI makers using Dataiku to develop foundational AI for the future that is governable, sustainable, transparent, and seeks to remove bias.
  • Value at Scale - Showcasing the innovators who use Dataiku to manage the full lifecycle of models and pipelines and deliver value at scale.
  • Partner Acceleration - Featuring successful partnerships between Dataiku, partner organizations, and customers to bring a use case to fruition faster, smarter, and/or better.
  • Moonshot Pioneer(s) - Rewarding the pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of Dataiku to build innovative projects — including for fun!

Success Stories

  • Most Impactful Transformation Story - Recognizing inspiring transformation stories from organizations that have systematized the use of data and AI with Dataiku.
  • Most Impactful Ikig.AI Story - Turning the spotlight on nonprofit organizations or volunteers who leverage Dataiku to accelerate their organization’s mission and grow their positive social and/or environmental impact.
  • Excellence in Teaching - Recognizing members of the teaching faculty for their invaluable contribution to educating the next generation of analytical talent with Dataiku, driving innovation in the field, and aligning with real-world use cases.
  • Excellence in Research - Starring academic researchers who leverage Dataiku to gain impactful insights from their data and push the frontiers of our knowledge.
  • Most Extraordinary AI Maker(s) - Spotlighting inspiring stories of AI makers who have made a bigger impact with Dataiku through individual upskill, business & tech collaboration, or elevating others to harness the power of data.

Why Participate?


On the fence about making a submission? The benefits of doing so are numerous:

Gain recognition as a thought leader: Video features and speaking opportunities will enable winners and finalists to earn visibility in the industry, while all participants will gain exposure on Dataiku’s networks.

Celebrate your individual and team’s success: Inspire the data science community by sharing your achievements and the value you generated, individually or collectively.

Enhance your employer branding: Showcase your innovation with the data science community and entice the brightest talents in the industry to join your organization and contribute to your success.

Win special prizes and swag: Winners will be offered a unique trophy and a donation to the charity of their choice, and special Dataiku swag will be sent to all participants to thank you for your contribution to knowledge sharing.

Get Inspired by Our 2021 Participants

Screenshot 2022-05-13 at 15.22.36.pngLast year’s inaugural edition of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards collected dozens of inspirational stories from around the world, spanning vastly different industries and use cases. The valuable contributions of our 2021 participants enabled us to relaunch the competition this year and continue to recognize and celebrate the unique ways in which individuals and organizations are leveraging Dataiku to generate value.

Discover their use cases and success stories here, and get motivated to make your entry to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. Who knows – you or your team may be among the winners and finalists that inspire next year’s participants!

Submit your use case or success story with Dataiku to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. We look forward to celebrating your success!


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