Dataiku in Ubuntu instance in Google Cloud Platform is not working

Sam648 Registered Posts: 13 ✭✭✭✭


I am trying to install DSS on ubuntu instance in GCP. I followed this "install Documentation page" and everything went well. I was able to start DSS from command line. However, when i try to connect DSS in web browser, i get "This site can’t be reached" error.

I entered the following address:

http://HOSTNAME:11000 where HOSTNAME is the external ip of GCP instance and Port is 11000.

Why am I not able to connect to DSS in web browser and what do i have to do different in Google Cloud Platform

Below is the image, i got when the installation was done. I was able to start DSS.



Best Answer

  • Jbelafa
    Jbelafa Dataiker Posts: 21 Dataiker
    Answer ✓


    This looks like a firewall issue to me. it's required to open DSS port for external sources as

    You can quickly open it from you GCP Console by :

    - Going to your VM in Google compute engine and open your instance details

    - edit your VM and add a tag dedicated to DSS (you will need it to define network rules ) for example dku-dss and save.

    - In your instance details , from the network interface section, open your network interface

    - add the firewall rule that allows port 11000 from your IP address , and set the tag dku-dss as target for your rule and save it.

    If you still can't access to DSS, check also your VM local firewall (ufw by default ) if this one is active , you will have to allow DSS port with this command:

    sudo ufw allow 11000

    Note that if you use a regular ssh client to access your machine you can also create a tunnel to access your DSS for testing purpose . from your terminal you would have to run

    ssh user@$yourGCPmachiner -L 11000:localhost:11000

    Once your connection is established you can go to your browser and access to DSS using url http://localhost:11000.

    Beware that the recommended action is to open your GCP firewall and your virtual machine firewall.


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