Load Image in Dash web app using Dash-Leaflet

Hi there, I am currently working on a Map visualisation topic using a Dash WepApp with Dataiku,
I want to plot a point with a custom marker using an image (==> see https://dash-leaflet.herokuapp.com Custom Icons)
I know how to do it with images source from urls, but when I want to use a local image from a Dataiku folder I can't ,
I know that in order to read static images from dash I need to put it in the assets folder,
does anyone know how to do it ?
so far I have only managed to store the image in a variable in my webapp but I Do not know how to pass it in the assets folder
Thanks again for your help
AlexGo Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 18 Dataiker
Hi ArtGrn1,
I hope I'm understanding your question correctly.
You should be able to load your image into the Static Web Resources folders
Go to the 'Global Shared Code' in the "waffle menu" (the 9 small squares), then click the 'Static Web Resources' tab in the top right corner.
You can create folders and upload images here and then access them using "/local/static/<folders>/<image name>"
If you want to use a specific managed folder there are options to do this too, but I think the Static Resources is the best practice.