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Added on February 25, 2022 1:39AM
Likes: 1
Replies: 6
Anyone have any suggestions for how to get a dashboard that I have set as public to display on the homepage in the Dashboards section?
I have made the dashboard public and yet I even as owner of the project and creator of the dashboard can't see it on the homepage in the Dashboards list. I also made the insights included public. Is there something else I'm missing?
The only dataset that is used on the dashboard is also listed in the Dashboard authorizations list under Project security (although I wouldn't think that would make any difference for me as the creator of the dashboard).
Operating system used: Linux
Hi @Marlan
we can confirm that starting with Dataiku 10 Workspaces are the way to expose dashboards. For more information about Workspaces please find the following resources:
We hope this helps!
Hi @Marlan
I'm having the same problem with dataiku's latest version (10.0.3). I tried to promote an unpromoted dashboard, and also by creating a new dashboard to test the behavior, and I was unable to publish it in the homepage dashboard section.
Furthermore, I tried as the administrator user, as the owner user, and as a reader who got permissions to access the dashboards: in all cases I was able to access the dashboard by using the URL, but it never showed up in the homepage. Not even after "starring" it.
I'd have liked to have some idea or tip to solve the problem, but perhaps this is something that needs to be reported as a bug? Or, as you say, we are missing something.
Hi @Ignacio_Toledo
I guess it's good to hear that I'm not the only one having challenges
So the plot has thickened... today when I logged in, the dashboards I had set to public (promoted) yesterday were now displaying. I tried yesterday logging out and back in and that didn't make any difference then. What is really hard to understand though is that a dashboard that had been set to public months ago (as far as I can tell) was displaying today (but wasn't yesterday).
Now that the dashboard I was working on was displaying today, I decided to make a few more changes. However, somehow those changes caused the dashboard to disappear again!
There is the option to make Insights (in addition to the Dashboard itself) public which of course I tried yesterday. It didn't seem to help. But maybe that is part of the equation... as the change I made was to add a new insight to the dashboard and that Insight was initially set to private.
I tried logging out and back in again and still the dashboard didn't reappear. Maybe the dashboards sort of like a fine wine need to age a bit before they are shown??? It's really quite mystifying.
, @Ignacio_Toledo
Indeed I can reproduce similar inconsistencies with the dashboard display on the home screen, particularly with the "promoted" dashboards (vs. the historical public ones). I'll pass it along for investigation, thank you for reporting it!
Thanks @CoreyS
. We are planning to upgrade to version 10 soon so good to know that Dashboards have been incorporated into Workspaces.