Python Pipeline

Scobbyy2k3 Partner, Registered Posts: 26 Partner

How do I skip two first rows directly from the pipeline dataiku created



  • Keiji
    Keiji Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 52 Dataiker

    Hello @Scobbyy2k3

    Thank you for posting the question on Community.

    I would be grateful if you would elaborate on the question a bit. What do you mean by "skip two first rows directly from the pipeline"? Do you want to filter some rows on your dataset? Or, would you like to skip some recipes' executions in your flow? I would be grateful if you would explain what you would like to achieve and what your issue is a bit more. Attaching some screenshots related to your question/issue would also be helpful.

    Keiji, Dataiku Technical Support

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